
We hope you are excited about moving on to your next step– and we hope to make it as painless as possible for you!
Please read the following information to know what to expect.
Prior to closing:
Homeowners Associations If the property you are selling has a homeowners association, please provide the buyers or our office with the property manager’s information as early as possible. Often times, the buyers must be approved in order to purchase the home.
Utilities and Other Services Be sure to cancel or transfer service for your water, garbage, electricity, and internet services. Links to our local providers can be found on the resources page.
Payoffs We will need contact information for your current mortgage if the proceeds from this sale are paying it off. Be prepared to also sign an authorization letter to allow the mortgage company to speak with us.
Day of Closing:
Closing Funds If you are required to bring funds to sell your home, they must be wired, due to the high rate of fraud with personal and cashier’s checks.
Identification Please be sure to bring a valid photo ID to closing – this can be a driver’s license or passport.
Time to Close We try to schedule the seller to sign first to avoid having them wait on the buyer’s loan documents signed. Please be aware that loan documents typically take between 45 minutes and 1 hour to sign, and you will need to wait for all documents to be completed before the transaction is closed.
Funding Even if all has been completed – closing funds have arrived in our trust account and the documents have been signed by the buyer and seller – the deal may not be officially closed yet. Some lenders require additional approval to disburse, and that may mean a few more minutes or four hours.
Contact us today!